Monday, October 15, 2007

Light at the beginning of the tunnel

Waiting for the subway to come can sometimes be as a excruciating as waiting to hear about a job or law school or any school application results, yet it is something people do on a daily basis, usually more than once.

My take for this blog is nothing monumental, critical or merely humorous. It is just a motivation I had while I was riding the subway. As I continued to wait, and the seconds ticked on, I realized that this is not what we should be doing, life is supposed to get easier as we get older - not harder. We have on demand television, facebook, and even bidets (the things that shoot water up your butt).

My time is more valuable than the "affordability" of a subway. Interestingly enough it is how NY moves. There are a million different ways to utilize the subway and when you get there, you get there. I realized that it is impossible to achieve perfect convenience anywhere. There will always be a traffic jam, there will always be a subway delay, but when the light from the train comes slowly rolling towards you, you always sigh that sigh of relief. You realize that you will "get there" even if it took slightly longer than expected.

Proof of this is evident in the most recent Nobel Prize winners for economics. Roger Myerson, along with Leonid Hurwicz and Eric Maskin have spent their lives investigating how "mechanism design theory" works. I will get into that at some time soon I promise.

Basically if you look at mechanism design theory carefully, it can be applied to the pursuit of women by men too, I beg you to read up on it and then let me know that you read it then I can blog my take on it... until then remember to be patient and one day you will turn your shoulder and see the light at the beginning of the tunnel. You are now on your way!

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

I have not read the mechanism design theory. I trust you will summarize it for me.

Talk about a waste of time--I commute more than 2 hours a day to school.