Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's the Most Wonderful halftime of the Year

Cliche title, I know. But it works. Now that 2008 is half over, I can recap the first half of the year in just about three things: the price of oil and gas, the Lakers losing to Boston (that will be my only mention of that thing ever), and of course the upcoming election.

Not that I have taken any scientific polls, but it seems to me and many of my peers that 2008 has been flying by. A New York minute is just that fast and a "hot minute" is still one hour (Thank you HJO).

As people who are part of society, it is important to know one's roll in society, but at the same time, it is essential to enjoy life. Now, don't get me wrong, I love America, and would not change my life here for anything else in the world; yet when I speak to Europeans they happen to be enjoying life a lot more than us these days. Maybe it's because the dollar is so weak compared to the EURO, maybe it's because Europeans take 6 week vacations at the bare minimum for the summer - only to come back to work and go on strike!

It has been said that time flies when you are having fun, it's true, but I haven't neccessarily had more fun in the first six months of any calendar year than in years before, nor have the first halves of previous years been shitty.

I am looking forward to all the exciting things that are about to happen during the second half of the year: Save A Brain Foundation's first annual gala will take place towards the end of the calendar year (please visit:, one of my best friends, Yoni Braun will be getting married at the end of the summer, and there will be a new leader elected by the people of the United States.

The best part of the election is that it will be done legally, not with government corruption and murder. All in all, we all will be able to look back at 2008 and say that it was a good year. Oil will still be up, the Lakers will be back on top, and the world will still be in turmoil just with a different leader.

In a few weeks there will be several opportunities to contibute to Save A Brain Foundation. Just visit and all the information will be up soon!

halftime's over, now get back to work!